Designed Advice: Creative Moxie

I chose this saying, because even I get caught up in it. I will spend all my time browsing blogs, designer websites and twitter and frankly don't get time to do my own personal work. So I encourage you to stop drooling over things others work and go create something you will drool over.

Attribution: I cannot find the originator of the saying, but know I've heard it a thousand times before.

Creative Moxie wants you to contribute to "Designed Advice"

"Designed Advice" is just that, advice that is designed. I want you to contribute your talents to be posted on Creative Moxie. You get your work posted, and others get inspired! Send your work to my email

-The advice can be a creation of your own words or a famous quote that you live by (if so tell me the author so I can attribute it in the blog post)
-Size: 8.5 inches x 5.25 inches
- A couple of sentences on why you chose the saying.
-Include your web address or contact information so I can link you in the post.
-Be creative